Love Came Down Once – And Love Will Come Down Again!

Love Came Down Once – And Love Will Come Down Again! As we celebrate Christmas and Jesus’ birth, we must not just look back at that day and that event.  We must look forward to when Jesus will come again.  We need to understand the purpose of his birth, his suffering and death, and hisContinue reading “Love Came Down Once – And Love Will Come Down Again!”

What Child Is This?

To know Him is to LOVE Him! Praise and honor to the The Father, Jesus Christ The Son, and Holy Spirit. “This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant. The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office, but he holds his priesthood permanently, because heContinue reading “What Child Is This?”

Love Came Down – But There Was No Room!

There Was No Room – Love Makes Room Bethlehem didn’t make room While they were in [Bethlehem], the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them inContinue reading “Love Came Down – But There Was No Room!”

Setting Intentions To Love

Setting intentions in our hearts and in our minds to love others as we gather together for Thanksgiving. As we prepare for the Holiday season and time with our families and friends, it’s typical to wrap up a few last items at work, run to the grocery store to buy the essentials, then turn toContinue reading “Setting Intentions To Love”

Patience is a Virtue – A Gift from God!

Patience is a virtue they say….. The bible tells us that patience is one of God’s own attributes. When we seek the Lord and choose to trust in Him and live by His word, we are promised Fruits of the Spirit. You can find a list in Galatians 5:22 “But the Fruit of the SpiritContinue reading “Patience is a Virtue – A Gift from God!”

Where Does Our Power Come From?

I saw this post this morning. with some comments about positive energy and sparking power in others. All to be used for our joys and our goals. How sweet – right? So where does true power come from? Not from us. If we believe that then we are deceiving ourselves and others. Ephesians 3: 20-21NowContinue reading “Where Does Our Power Come From?”

The Love and Compassion of Christmas

You can tell how much love and compassion a person has for you by just how far they will come to help you in your suffering and despair. So, think about this: God came all the way from His throne in perfect heaven where there was no sin, to this world of darkness, sin, andContinue reading “The Love and Compassion of Christmas”

Do The Fruits In Your Life Reveal Your Identity In Christ Jesus?

As a Christian, one who has placed their faith in the saving redemption through Jesus’ death on the cross, what do you think of when you consider fruit your life produces? The Bible tells us that the fruit in your life can reveal your identity in Christ Jesus. Basically I always considered things like actsContinue reading “Do The Fruits In Your Life Reveal Your Identity In Christ Jesus?”

Common Questions About Creation

As I was looking for a way to stay productive during the COVID-19 epidemic, and to prepare for additional quiet time over the next few months, I decided to spend some extra quality time in the Bible.  I ordered a couple of study guides online and one of them touched on the first book ofContinue reading “Common Questions About Creation”